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双语:巴西第一位女总统被罢免 保留政治权利

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-12-11


Brazil's first female president is out of a job, but not barred from the ballot if she wants to run again.


The South American country's Senate voted 61-20 Wednesday to remove President Dilma Rousseff from office, finding her guilty of breaking budgetary laws in an impeachment trial.

周三,巴西参议院以61票赞成、20票反对的投票结果通过了总统弹劾案,迪尔玛 罗塞夫被控违反财政预算相关法规,被罢免总统职务。

Michel Temer, Rousseff's former vice president who has been serving as interim president since her suspension in May, will assume the office of president and serve out the remainder of her term. Temer, a leader of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, was sworn in Wednesday afternoon.

前副总统米歇尔 特梅尔接任总统,直至2018年本届总统任期结束。他在罗塞夫五月被停职后成为代总统。周三下午,特梅尔宣誓就职。他是巴西民主运动党领导人。

Temer, 75, inherits a tattered economy, along with the keys to the presidential palace in Brasilia, the nation's capital.


He met with his Cabinet and promised to tackle unemployment.


"I am not saying it is an easy task, since we have almost 12 million people unemployed in this country," he said, according to a CNN translation. "It's a scary number, and there is nothing less dignified than unemployment."


A general election is scheduled for 2018.


Wednesday's vote marks the culmination of a contentious impeachment process that has dragged on for months. It's a political crisis that ordinary Brazilians could do well without as the country, which just hosted the Summer Olympics in Rio, is trying to pull itself out of recession.


The Senate's decision is a major blow for Rousseff, a member of the Workers' Party, but it might not mark the end of her political career.


While the vote to oust her from office was decisive, a motion to bar her from holding any public office for the next eight years failed.


Rousseff, 68, a former Marxist guerrilla, said earlier this week that she had committed no crime and said she was proud she'd been "faithful to my commitment to the nation."


The heir-apparent to former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Rousseff was re-elected by a narrow margin in 2014, but a recession and a cross-party corruption scandal put an end to any political goodwill she might have earned, eventually leading to her ouster.

罗塞夫是巴西前总统路易斯 伊纳西奥 卢拉 达席尔瓦的接班人,又于2014年以微弱优势赢得连任。但国内经济衰退和跨党派的贪腐丑闻将其或曾拥有的政治声望付之一炬,最终导致其被罢免。
