A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been cast out by his own community for being a "witch-child" has been recognised in an international list of the most inspiring people of the year. 一名女子因为拯救了一名两岁的小男孩而成为感动全球年度人物,男孩被所在的社会群体当作“巫童”抛弃。
Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker who adopted the young Nigerian boy back in February, beat the likes of Pope Francis and Barack Obama to top the list of 100 inspiring individuals compiled by German-language OoomMagazine.
今年2月,丹麦医疗工作者安雅 林格伦 洛文收养了来自尼日利亚的小男孩,她战胜教皇方济各、奥巴马等人,问鼎德语杂志《Ooom》评选的最鼓舞人心的百大人物排行榜。
An image of Ms Lovén giving two-year-old Hope some water was shared around the world, and served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria.
Before he was rescued by Ms Lovén and her husband David, Hope had been cast out by his own family on the basis of rural superstition, forced to live on the street where he contracted a number of illnesses including worms.
Speaking today about the experience, she said: "He was the size of a little baby, my whole body froze."
"I became a mother myself 20 months ago and I was thinking of my own son when I saw the boy. For me it was clear at that moment that I would fight with all my strength for him to survive."
"Anja Ringgren Lovén is a beacon of hope and the most inspiring person of the year 2016," said Georg Kindel, OOOM's editor-in-chief, who led the jury that chose the list. "When she saw the starving child, she acted like a human being and became an inspiration for millions. Her sustained efforts to help the abandoned children of Nigeria gives us hope and encourages us to follow suit."
《Ooom》杂志主编乔格 金德尔是该榜单评审委员会的负责人,他说:“安雅 林格伦 洛文是希望的灯塔,也是2016年最鼓舞人心的年度人物。当她看到这个饥肠辘辘的孩子时,她做了人类应该做的事情,并且鼓舞了数百万人。她坚持不懈帮助尼日利亚被抛弃儿童的努力给我们带来希望,也鼓舞我们追随她的脚步。”
The outgoing US President Barack Obama was named second on the list. The jury said he stood for "peace, tolerance and freedom" and that, despite failures during his leadership including on Guantánamo, Syria and Iraq, "we will miss him anyway".
The actress and philanthropist Charlize Theron was named third in the list, thanks mainly to her "massive involvement" in combatting HIV/Aids in her native South Africa.
演员兼慈善家查理兹 塞隆在其祖国南非为抗击艾滋病做了大量工作,她因此获得第三名。
Pope Francis was named fourth, after the jury said his "humble" leadership had changed the Catholic Church for the better.
And the actor Leonardo DiCaprio was given the fifth slot, as a result of his work to combat climate change culminating in the film "Beyond the Flood".
演员莱昂纳多 迪卡普里奥因其在应对气候变化方面做出的努力获得第五名,在这方面他最大的成就是拍摄了影片《洪水来临之前》。
follow suit: 照着做
jury: 裁判委员会